Spring Security and Oauth 2, by Carlos Salazar

Spring Security Oauth2 for Spring and Spring Boot web projects

How to secure Spring MVC and Spring REST projects with Spring OAUTH2, needs, benefits and configuration.

• Present the strong need of using a well tested framework to secure our Web applications.

• Review the current specification of Spring for Spring Security (OAUTH2).

• Benefits in terms of Ciber Security at application level of using Spring Security.

• Describe in general terms the best practices for configuring Spring Security in our projects (code examples).

• Communication between Spring MVC and Spring OAUTH2 applications with Spring Security (code examples).

• Q & A

Carlos Salazar

Carlos Salazar is the founder of https://codesolt.com, an online community for Java Developers that offers free online programming courses and has 10k page-views per month.

Also works as a Java Architect at https://www.totalplay.com.mx. the best Internet Service Provider at Mexico (according to Netflix) and has more than 5 years of experience in companies such as Scotiabank and Avon.

He has been giving tech conferences for the past 2 years in Mexico in front of audiences bigger than 1500 people. Here you can see one of them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGsMoD0hLUc